EPM and Contaminated Hayhttps://photos.app.goo.gl/iiH8VVQoCLcetVdI2


EPM is a neurological disorder contracted by horses when they ingest the protozoa from Opossum feces. This is why it was so important to remove the contaminated hay from the coverall.

EPM can cause brain lesions and damage the central nervous system.

Signs of EPM:

  • ·     Uncoordinated movement
  • ·     Lameness
  • ·     Changes to gait
  • ·     Hind end weakness
  • ·     Leaning on stall walls
  • ·     Dragging a hoof
  • ·     Carrying tail to side
  • ·     Facial twitch
  • ·     Change in vision
  • ·     Trouble swallowing
  • ·     Drooping ear
  • ·     Behavior changes
  • So you can see that keeping the hay clean and fresh is important not only for the horse’s diet but for their overall well-bein