Charlie has gone to Rainbow Bridge....

Last Wednesday, Charlie was scheduled for eye surgery.  He woke up in the morning to a beautiful day, and enjoyed romping around the pasture and rolling in the grass.  He longingly waited for his caretakers to come and see him, and was in good spirits. Then, Charlie took a turn for the worst.  He became blind in the other eye and was having difficulty moving about.  Lovingly cajoled by Mike, he was led into his stall and the vet was called. 

It was determined that Charlie’s eye condition was more than just glaucoma or an eye infection.  He had cancerous tumors behind the eye sockets which had spread and caused blindness in the other eye.  As promised under Centerpoint’s mission statement,

            To salvage the lives and spirit of as many Thoroughbred horses as we responsibly can; to repurpose their tremendous desire to please and to connect them with people as genuine as the horses when the horses’ body and lifespan permit. Any unadoptable horse will have a home at the rescue as long as comfort and dignity permit.

It was determined that Charlie’s quality of life here on earth was no longer one of dignity, and under the care of the staff at CCTR and the vet, Charlie has crossed over to the Rainbow Bridge.

REST IN PEACE, dear Charlie – may you gallop on the wings of angels and forever be healthy.